Monday, 30 January 2017

computer ports

Dear friends in this post I am going to show some computer  ports

VGA port.

The (video Graphics array) (VGA) is one of the oldest connection standards witch can still be found in large swaths of computing equipment. It was first developed by IBM and introduced in 1987. It was widly used  for video cards, TV sets, computer moniter, and laptop.

USB port.

(Universal Serial Bus) A USB port is a standard cable connection interface for personal computer and consumer electronics devices. USB stands for universal serial bus, an industry standard for short- distance digital data communications. USB ports allow USB devices to de connected to each other with and tranfer data over USB cables. 

HDMI port.

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is an interface standard used for audiovisual equioment such as high- definition television and home theater system. with 19 wires wrapped in a single cable that resembles a USB wire, HDMI is able to carry a bandwidth of 5 GBps (gigibits per second).This is more  than twice the bandwidth needed to transmit multi-channel Audio and Video.

Lan port.

(local area network) (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computer within a limitedarea such as a residence,school,laboratory campus or office building and has its network equipment and interconnects locally managed.


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